Guest Bloggers Wanted
If you're a guest blogger, a copywriter or someone who's passionate about finance, we'd love to hear from you. We invite well written, detailed and accurate articles on our website for win/win SEO results.
We only publish technically accurate information that's relevant to a New Zealand-based audience and demographic that's likely to apply for personal loans and small business loans.
Ideally, you're a specialist with accreditations or a history of working in the finance industry.
Any article written for Alternate Finance must be at least 1500 words in length and written in a tone that's understandable for everyday people. You may link to one relevant website only unless you're referencing commonly available information from a respected organisation. You may, however, send us multiple articles, each containing a link to your site.
How to get started & what to consider first.
- Any content that you write must be original. You may not submit any content to us that's been published elsewhere, and once sent to us, the article's intellectual properties are transferred to the ownership of Alternate Finance Ltd.
- Don't publish elsewhere. By partnering with Alternate Finance as a guest blogger, you agree that you won't re-publish or submit your content elsewhere. You may, however, first ask for permission in writing to publish the article in your portfolio.
- Only one link in your article. Please only embed a single link to your website in the article. However, you can link to useful public resources for reference.
- Your content must be perfectly relevant. We will only publish content that is relevant and useful to our readers. Please consider this prior to writing your content.
- Do not hard sell. You may link to your site, but you must definitely not intend on selling. We only publish articles that are useful to our readers.
- Alternate Finance has full editorial control. It's likely that we'll edit your document in a minor way. We like to collaborate with readers to ensure our tone is maintained and it's keyword worthy.
- We don't financially compensate guest bloggers. Your article won't be compensated for financially, but you will be rewarded with your link, assuming the article is to a quality standard and relevance to meet our expectations. That said, if your writing is exceptional, we may connect with you with the intention to contact you as a paid contributor.