Contact us today

If the bank is being difficult, our friendly Alternate finance team are here to help with your finance request. We work between 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday. Please feel free to message us & we'll do our best to get back to you within the hour. Together we can explore alternative finance options, when the banks makes it difficult.

Message us

New Zealand Phone

0800 695 626 or (03) 379 7798

Postal Address

PO Box 7130, Sydenham,
Christchurch, 8240,
New Zealand

Physical Address

3 Shirley Road, Mairehau
Christchurch 8013,
New Zealand

easy loans

Driving directions

Our Christchurch office is located at 3 Shirley Road. If you’re driving up Hills road, away from the city, there’s a shopping centre with a Subway on your right. Then there’s an intersection to turn right up Shirley Road, but it’s best to go straight through that intersection, and turn right 50m after the intersection onto an odd little angled section of Shirley Road. If you get to Bridgestone Tyres, you’ve gone too far.
Most people know the Cheese Cake shop in Christchurch. Alternate Finance is opposite the Cheese Cake shop, but on an angled little stretch of Shirley Road. Look for the Road Runner Rentals yard, and you’ll find us in the same complex along with the Diggs Group.

Parking information

Parking is reasonably easy. Either park for free in the shopping complex over the road, or directly on the street outside our business. All parking is free, without a time limit, but out of courtesy to those shop operators in the shopping complex, maybe grab yourself a coffee, so you’re their customer too.

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finance dream

Wheelchair friendliness

We are a completely wheelchair friendly business. We don’t have any stairs or difficulties for you to enter our premise. We have big double doors that can be opened, so you’ll access us with ease.

Pet friendliness

We love that you want to take your fur-buddies everywhere, but unfortunately our offices are pet-free. You can tie them up appropriately outside, or on the street. We don’t allow animals in our offices due to allergies, sorry.

dog financial stability

Community Support

We proudly sponsor a Christchurch Christian organisation that keeps youths off the streets and away from temptations. This New Zealand community organisation is called Walk'n On Water, and loads youth events for free on their platform. It also distributes bibles, 100% free to Kiwis. WoW is privately funded, so if you've like to get involved in this Christchurch good cause.