Sick of searching for bad credit loans nz-wide? Always feel like you're being taken advantage of? We've got a long-term solution for you that means you'll never have to search for bad credit loans again.
Alternate Finance is a responsible lender, and that means we want you to get out of debt and into the green as fast as possible. Other lenders sometimes set traps for people where they get caught with a bad credit label that they can't seem to get out of. This makes applying for a loan difficult and frustrating even though you're doing your best in life.
We've made you a quick guide answering the questions.
How to get out of debt and how to improve your credit score.
Start by looking into debt consolidation. Consolidation means that you can group all of your debts into one single payment that's affordable, and you'll stop getting penalties and have to pay excessively high-interest rates. Your debts will be paid off instantly, which will immediately improve your credit score.
Stop applying for loans. This really isn't a good thing to do. Every time you do, everybody can see that you've applied. If there are too many, or if you are rejected, then it raises questions.
reduce the limit on your credit cards. The higher the limit, the more potential exposure.
100% make sure that you pay off your credit cards every month. Keep the credit cards but stop using them and keep the balance at $0. Your bank can automatically pay off the balance before interest and penalties are accrued.
Jump online and check out your own credit score. This is easy to do and here's the link. Â
Undergo a PPSR search on yourself. A PPSR search reveals which companies have registered security against you. You may find that there are old securities held against you that shouldn't be there. It might be for a car you purchased, a hire-purchase or any debt you've had in the past. You can dispute them and contact the companies to ask for the removal.
Pay all of your utility bills in advance. Get 30 days ahead of your bills, so you're an A++ customer. This is one of the first indicators that will drag your credit rating up or down. If you like the sound of a debt consolidation loan, then borrow enough to cover at least one month's worth of bills, so you're in advance.
Alternate Finance wishes you the best, and if you never have to search for a bad credit loan NZ-wide again, we've done our job 🙂
If you'd like to read our blog with money-saving tips from time-to-time, please enter your details below.
Good luck and best wishes.
Alternate Finance wishes you the best, and if you never have to search for a bad credit loan NZ-wide again, we've done our job 🙂
If you'd like to read our blog with money-saving tips from time-to-time, please enter your details below.
Good luck and best wishes.